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精彩预告:King宝贝的童话世界——King's Fairy Tale World
作者:小编 日期:2014/12/23 人气:



        2015年1月11日,万婴凯恩新城邀请您和孩子们一起进入凯恩童话世界!King's FairyTale World!


King's Fairy Tale World 节目单预览

欧洲一班 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

Europe 1 Alice In Wonderland

        Alice in wonderland- if you want to see a play about imagination, the beautiful wildlife we have in our world, then Europe 1 has your answer! You will whitness a beautiful young girl named Alice. Follow her dream and see what she gets up to. I’m sure you would love to whitness most of your dreams! Perfect right? You’re wrong. Not everyone is Allice’s friend. Watch and find out to see what her enemies think to her; if Alice will go through her wonderland unharmed?

欧洲二班 《绿野仙踪》

Europe 2 The Witzard Of Oz

        The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a classic, a legend, and a children’s story that will never grow old. It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out. It has very funny characters immerse in an adventurous trip full of fantasy where the obvious message of the magical story is that there is no place like home.

美洲一班 《丑小鸭》

America 1 Ugly Ducking

‘The Ugly Duckling' is one of Danish most famous fairy tales. With a powerful message about self-image and acceptance, the story is valued for its ability to teach children the importance of kindness to others.Acceptance is a major theme in this story. Often, kids could find that growing up can be awkward, so this story teaches them how to grow into their personalities and learn to love themselves.Besides that, it has different characters which make it funnier and as great fairy tale, it has a happy ending. The story is beloved around the world as a tale about personal transformation for the better and it is well known by many kids all over the world.

美洲二班《Hansel And Gretel》

America 2 Hansel And Gretel

        Hansel & Gretel is a well-known fairy tale of German origin. This story narrates the adventure of suspense where different characters make it interesting.This fairy tale in comparison with other stories has no fantasy or magic, due to the fact that the most relevant issue is the message it has.This story for kids tries to teach them a very adult lesson; even innocent people can find themselves in bad situations and besides that, the very important one is not to trust strangers.The happy ending is a classic. It shows how despite of the bad circumstances, parents will be always there for you no matter if they make mistakes.

美洲三班 《灰姑娘》

America 3 Cinderella

        Cinderella is a very famous disney play which has been in theatres for a long time. America 3 have put their own spin on it. Find out how the kids perform. It’s a powerful love story. Cinderella has two wicked evil step sisters who make her run away. We all hate bullies so you will feel a lot of sympathy for cinderella right from the start. This is powerfull. She meets a Charming Prince, but their meet doesn’t last long. Will they meet again? Find out if love finds it’s destiny.

澳洲一班 《拯救小羊》

Australia 1 Save The Lamb

        “Save the lambs" is a tale about friendship and trust. It shows the kids that you can always rely on your friends who will help you out in any difficult and dangerous situation. Moreover, we see that when the animals help the lambs they are not only very compassionate but also very resourceful in dealing with the wolf. The tale also teaches the kids to be cautious when dealing with strangers and listen to their parents. They see that the lambs are clever and on alert because they were warned about the danger.On the whole the tale touches upon the vital traits in a person's character.The kids learn to be wary and helpful at the same time.

澳洲二班 《谁动了我的食物?》

Australia 2 Who Take My Food?

Who take my food is a story about caring and sharing the most valiable quality in the world. In this story human beings and animals get on well with each other, which is quiet different from the reality life. You will see how do they help each other. Animals are more genourous than human beings. We are all living under the same sky, dancing on the same land. Everything we use, we share. Every problem we face, we solve it together. As the song sang,"if we hold on together, our dream will never die", yes, if we hold on together, we can help out others promblems, we can dream the dream we never dreamed.

澳洲三班 《穿靴子的猫》

Australia 3 Puss In The Boots

Australia 3 welcome you to meet an extraordinary cat. His name is puss in boots. Puss isn't your average cat. He wears boots and is a fugitive on the run from the law. He is trying to restore his honour. Puss meets a king and princess. Many peasants along his way. He tries to help his friend Jack out. Will he succeed or will the law catch up with him?

亚洲一班 《睡美人》

Asia 1 Sleeping Beauty

Asia 1- have chosen a classic western Walt Disney movie. It's about a witch who is filled with jealousy and hatred towards the most beautiful princess in the world. The witch curses a spell on the princess until she hears the most beautiful sound in the world. You will see Asia 1 get their dancing boots on as the kids compete to be the ones who will wake the princess. Will they be successful or have king international put a twist on it ?



地区幼儿园: 岳阳湘阴 常德市 娄底新化 邵阳市 株洲市 宁乡县 星沙 望城区 雨花区 开福区 岳麓区 天心区 芙蓉区